(For information on licensing/permission to livestream or post video of performances of our music, please see our Licensing and permission page.)
Our goal is to provide affordable music that is convenient for you to review and purchase. The music, descriptions, videos, and this web site have been prepared at an expense of our time, money, and effort. Please respect our right to own our works and receive reasonable compensation for them.
When you purchase from us, you are paying only for the rights we grant you — to maintain a copy of the digital file you download, and to print music for yourself and/or your ensemble. We maintain ownership of the music content and reserve all rights under copyright law.
- You may print, for your own use or your ensemble’s use, score and parts from the file(s) that you purchase from us, and you may save the file(s) on your own computer in the event you need to replace any parts.
- You may not sell or distribute purchased file(s) or printed score/parts to any other person, ensemble, or organization.
- You may not scan or make digital copies of music published by us.
- You may not upload or post files on any publicly accessible web site, shared public internet folder, or file-sharing service. Files may be shared on Dropbox, Google Drive, and other privately accessible systems only for use by your ensemble, and should be removed when no longer needed.
- Our work is either wholly original (newly composed) or an original treatment (a unique arrangement, not derivative) of music in the public domain. You may not make derivative works or re-arrange our work for other combinations of instruments and/or voices. If you require a transposition or seek a substitute part, please contact us and we will endeavor to assist you.
Please contact us if you have questions.