Licensing and permission to livestream or post video

We are delighted to grant permission to churches and non-professional ensembles to livestream our music and post performances to their Facebook, Youtube, and other pages/channels. There is no fee for this. We ask only that you provide attribution (as you would with CCLI or OneLicense, for example) in videos and/or on pages/channels.

In-video attribution

If titles are placed in a video itself, please provide the attribution:

“The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
arr. Todd Marchand

“Meditation on ‘Veni, Emmanuel'”
arr. Todd Marchand

Facebook, Youtube, and other social media attribution

On a Facebook post, in a Youtube or Vimeo description, and in other social media, please note:

“The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” ©2019 Todd Marchand / Used by permission.

“Meditation on Veni, Emmanuel,” ©2020 Todd Marchand / Used by permission.

ASCAP reporting

Todd Marchand and Con Spirito Music are members of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. While churches, schools, and other non-professional organizations are exempt from licensing for non-public performances, organizations that provide public performances for an admission fee should report these to ASCAP. For more information, see the ASCAP Licensing page.

Let us know of your performances!

Please contact Todd Marchand at [email protected] to let me know of your performances! Requests for permission to livestream or post my music simply enable me to know when, where, and how the music is being used; and proper attribution helps bring visibility to the music — important to me, as I am an independent writer and publisher who counts on music sales to support this publishing endeavor and the costs associated with it. Upon performing/posting, please provide me a link to your performance. Thank you!