“See, Amid the Winter’s Snow” is the popular title for the text, “Hymn for Christmas Day,” written in 1858 by Edward Caswell (1814-1878), an Anglican/Roman cleric and hymn-writer whose translations of Latin hymns from the Roman Breviary and other sources have enjoyed a wide circulation in hymnals to this day.
Sir John Goss (1800-1880), an organist, composer, and teacher who held positions at both St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Royal Academy of Music (where his students included Arthur Sullivan and John Stainer) wrote the tune “Humility” specifically for Caswall’s hymn. It was published in Christmas Carols New and Old in 1871.
Perhaps best known in the UK and the English church due to its history there, this simple, lovely hymn is worthy of appreciation and performance worldwide.
Score, parts (Bb tpt. 1, Bb tpt. 2, F horn, tbn, tuba) — $12.99
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